
Launch of the book in Corunna

In addition to the author, there were contributions from His Excellency Don Carlos Negreira Souto, Mayor of Corunna, and Don José Navas Ramírez-Cruzado, Artillery Colonel.

Launch of the book in Ferrol

8 pm, Wednesday 3 April – Casino Ferrolano

The book was introduced by  Sr. D. Gerardo Fernández Albor,  First President of the Xunta de Galicia, Juan Granados, novelist and historian, and Pepa Antón, awyer.

Luis Gorrochategui places a crown in Sligo

Luis Gorrochategui of La Coruña in Spain establishes a wreath at the monument to the Spanish sailors who died when the ships of the Spanish Navy sank off the coast of Sligo, Ireland. The monument is located on Streedagh beach, Sligo.

Launch of the book in Cádiz

8 pm, Friday 30 March – Regio Room, Council Offices, Plaza de España
The book was introduced by Dña. Mercedes Colombo, Vice-Chair of the Council of Cádiz, D. Santiago Bolivar Piñeiro, Admiral in Chief of the Spanish Fleet, D. José Quintero González, Doctor of History and member of the Royal Academy of San Romualdo, Cádiz.

Launch of the book in Madrid

The book was introduced by Admiral don Gonzalo Rodríguez González-Aller, Director of the Institute of Naval History and Culture, by don José Cervera Pery, corresponding member of the Royal Academy of History and member of the Royal Academy of the Sea, and don José Antonio Solís Miranda, publisher.

Launch of the book in Seville

The book was introduced by the Chair of the Ateneo (Cultural Centre) of Seville, D. Alberto Máximo Pérez Calero, el Ilmo. Sr. D. José López de Sagredo y Camacho, Marquis of Castellón and ship’s captain, D. José Domínguez León, Chair of the literature section of the Ateneo of Seville, D. Juan Cartaya Baños, Doctor in Modern History and D. José Antonio Solís Miranda, publisher.

TV interview for Telexornal, TVE, Galicia

Interview in the Digital Newspaper